Melbourne Group Returns for Second Online Rebetiko Concert

The Melbourne Rebetiko Ensemble will once again host a digital concert on Friday, June 26 at 7:00pm Melbourne Time (5:00am EST) for music lovers worldwide

Performing some of its favorite rebetiko songs from yesteryear, the ensemble will showcase music from its upcoming CD “To Monopati” which is available for digital purchase and download.

The concert will also feature songs from the pre-and post-war rebetika era, including works by Vassilis Tsitsanis, Sotiria Bellou and Giorgos Mitsakis, among other artists.

Melbourne is no stranger to the ongoing preservation of Rebetika. In recent years Melburnians have enjoyed a thriving live Greek scene in which the Melbourne Rebetiko Ensemble regularly features in Festivals and concerts.

During recent months this scene went quiet due to social distancing. But after three months of lockdown Melbourne native Con Kalamaras rallied his friends from the ensemble and re-ignited the act out of isolation to perform their first digital concert.

The performance received more than 20,000 views and now due to popular demand the ensemble returns to perform online via the Facebook page Rebetika in Melbourne.

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